
Dark Eye Circle / Eye Bags

As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and volume resulting in skin laxity and thinning. This is most evident sign of aging due to the skin under the eyes being the thinnest on our face. This inevitably causes eye bags to form due to laxity and blood vessles covered by the skin under our eyes to become more visible due to thinning resulting in dark eye cricles.

Treatment Options:

*Energy Based Device*

*Injectables / Threads*

Low Nasal Bridge / Flat Nasal Tip / Wide Nasal Ala

A low nasal bridge is the flattening of the top part of the nose which also often contributes to a flat nasal tip. This is due to a decrease in growth of the bridge of nose which is best seen from the side of the face whereas a flat nasal tip is seen from both frontal and side views. A wide bottom of the nose at the base of the nostril is also known as wide nasal ala which is seen both frontal and side views. All three condition is often due to genetics or previous trauma to the nose.

Treatment Options:

*Injectables / Threads*

Neck Wrinkles

Neck sagginess / neck line

As collagen and elastin in the skin decrease with age, we begin to see sagginess of the skin over the neck and deep-set horizontal creases across the neck area, also known as Neck Lines.

Treatment Options:

*Energy Based Device*

*Injectables / Threads*

Single eyelid

Single Eyelid also known as monolid is most commonly seen amognst the east asian population. The presence of the epicanthal fold contributes to monolid and is anatomical difference between single eyelid and double eyelid. This fold covers the inner corner of the eye, reducing or eliminating the appearance of double eyelid.

Treatment Options:

Skin Sagginess

Skin sagginess occurs as part of the natural process of aging. Aging causes the loss of collagen and elastin which usually begins in our mid twenties. The speed of this process varies from person to person due to external factors such as sun exposure, smoking, alcohol intake, occupationa and stress.

Treatment Options:

*Energy Based Device*

*Injectables / Threads*

Square Face / Chubby Cheeks

Genetics play a huge role in determining the shape of face. You have a square face shape if your forehead, cheekbones, and jawline are the same width. Enlarged masseter muscles also know as muscles for chewing or biting contributes to causing our face to look more square. Furthermore, having excess facial fat over the cheeks region also contributes to making over face overall more rounded or squarish.

Treatment Options:

Thin and Dark lips

Our lips lose volume as we age due to loss of collagen and fat resulting in thinner lips. Dark lips results increased pigmentation due to factors such as sun exposure and tobacco smoking.

Treatment Options:

Volume loss

This occurs due to loss of facial fat together with bone loss and resportion as we age which results the appearance of hollows on our face, commonly over the tear trough region, temples, and cheek areas.

Treatment Options: